Our Values and Approach

E: Empowerment

C: Caring

H: Honesty

O: Opportunities


  • We empower people to achieve their goals and improve their quality of life
  • We are caring and work in partnership with the person and those important to them
  • We are open, transparent, and honest.
  • We provide opportunity for people to develop their strengths and promote personal development for the people we support and our staff teams


Absolutely everything we do at ECHO Scotland is guided by the people we support, their personal needs and the choices they wish to make. We listen carefully to people and their families, and this is how we learn about the important details that make a difference.

Only by fully understanding every person’s unique needs can we begin to support them effectively and help them fulfil their potential and achieve their goals.

Every person we support has their own Individual Care & Support Plan which is designed to support their personal choices and aspirations whilst focusing on what is needed to make the agreed outcomes happen.

We know that everyone is unique. For some, ordinary life experiences can represent extraordinary achievements. By encouraging people to take control of their lives and have a real belief in their own potential we can make positive outcomes a reality for everyone, regardless of their age or presumed ability.

Each supported living service provided by ECHO Scotland makes the most of the full range of local public facilities. These services include recreational, educational and work based opportunities. We support people to achieve their goals of accessing colleges, and voluntary and paid employment when required.
