How We Ensure A Good Quality Service

We endeavour always to exceed expectations as outlined within the Health and Social Care Standards, My Support, My Life.

The Standards are focused on improving people’s experience of care and are based on five outcomes:

  1. I experience high quality care and support that is right for me.
  2. I am fully involved in all decisions about my care and support.
  3. I have confidence in the people who support and care for me.
  4. I have confidence in the organisation providing my care and support.
  5. I experience a high quality environment if the organisation provides the premises.
To find out more about how we will deliver supported living services, please read our Service Specification.
ECHO Scotland is committed to ensuring that all people supported receive the highest standards of care and support. We are focused on continuous quality improvement and the achievement of excellence in all that we do. We expect our Services to exceed regulatory standards and expectations. We are committed to partnership working and are focused on positive outcomes for people supported, which are underpinned by the principles of the Health & Social Care Standards:

  • Dignity & respect
  • Compassion
  • Be Included
  • Responsive care & support
  • Wellbeing

Our Quality Assurance Programme reflects the Care Inspectorate ‘A quality framework for support services (not care at home)’, and is framed around the following key questions:

  • How well do we support people’s wellbeing?
  • How good is our leadership?
  • How good is our staff team?
  • How good is our setting?
  • How well is care and support planned?

ECHO Scotland aims to support adults with a learning disability and associated complex needs to live in their own tenancy in a community setting, enabling them to become active citizens in their community. Our aims and objectives are set out in our Statement of Aims and Objectives.

As an independent provider of social care services, most of which will be purchased and commissioned by Health and Social Care Partnerships in Scotland, we are required to have a Caldicott Guardian. A Caldicott Guardian is a senior person responsible for protecting the confidentiality of people’s health and care information and making sure it is used properly.

The Caldicott Guardian for all the services in the ECHO group is Andrew Shelton-Murray, Company Director. He can be contacted via email on or by phone on 07876 347594.
